The new standard
for payment protection
and intelligence

Tunic Pay is the global payments conditionality layer. We enable consumers and financial institutions to have unprecedented insight and control into payments execution


Scams are everywhere...

We lead increasingly digital lives, and scammers are now targeting the human in the loop. With the advent of real-time payments, money movement is instant and irreversible.

of real-time payments
60% growth / year
scams globally
76% growth / year
7 in 10
consumers targeted
Growing at the speed of A.i.

Traditional fraud solutions don’t work for scams

Device behavior
ML modelling
Transactions monitoring
Behavioral insight
Phone calls & questions
One-time password
Confirmation of payee
User education

We are ushering in the new age of recipient intelligence & payment conditionality

Because fraud models require both sides. And payments need rules.

Merchant restrictions
Recipient risk score
Device behavior
ML modelling
Transactions monitoring
Behavioral insight
Phone calls & questions
One-time password
Confirmation of payee
User education
Intelligent step-ups
Mutual decisioning